Highlites of May include the Golf NSW/MDGA sponsored round 2 of the “Juniors on The Move” tournament held at Jindera on 16th May and our annual charity day on the 30th May which raised $714.00 for breast cancer awareness.
Both GolfNSW and the Murray Districts Golf Association (MDGA) are great supporters of the Jindera Golf Club where we have been fortunate in receiving grants from both associations to the value of $1,100.00 from MDGA towards the promotion of junior golf, cost of purchasing a new computer and accounting software and $10,000.00 from the GolfNSW “Foundation Grants” towards the cost of a new fairway mower. It goes without saying that all help for volunteer golf courses is always greatly appreciated.
For full May results click on the following link.
Juniors On The Move – (JOM)
This is a GolfNSW initiative, in conjunction with Murray District Golf Association – (MDGA) – to which we are affiliated to promote junior golf in our region and greater NSW.
It is a junior tournament aimed at involving kids in sport – golf – with a number of rounds throughout the year hosted by various clubs in NSW – Jindera hosted round 2 on Sunday 16th May.
It was a tremendous day, with Cade Webb (GolfNSW regional manager) setting up an electronic swing analyser which the junior players and many of our normal Sunday comp players tried out. It tracks real time ball trajectory, spin, speed and other data which was displayed on the clubs outdoor scores presentation screen.
Thanks go to Rawinia Smithenbecker and Dave Gray from Jindera for organising the food and BBQ and Cameron Odewahn for conducting a coaching clinic at Jindera prior to the event.
Special mention to Our own Bonnie McMillan for winning the ladies longest drive.
Stayed tuned for further developments regarding junior golf …
For full report from Cade Webb and results click on the following link.

Breast Cancer Awareness Fundraiser
This was a 2 Ball Ambrose organised by our ladies captain Rawinia Smithenbecker and saw 24 players enjoy a wonderful day of golf whilst also raising $714.00 for Breast Cancer Awareness.
With the temperature hovering around zero degrees at tee-off, players were well rewarded with a beautiful sunny day, great BBQ lunch and plenty of prizes.